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the Western Front

a band of lycra or lace or something else which girls wear under their pants or jeans; bikini bottoms

The Western Front, as it was known amongst boys at his school, that tantalizing band of Lycra, or lace, which girls guarded with every ounce of energy.

by nebulari June 16, 2020

The Western Front

A term commonly used by people from New York and central New Jersey to refer to their relationship.

I have to go invade The Western Front.

by TheGunrun June 18, 2006

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not so quiet on the western front

A compilation of punk rock bands from the San Fransisco area
and Nevada Area.

GDMFSOB I cant move, I cant twitch!!-song by bad posture on Not so quiet on the western front.

by elmo pimps hoes January 31, 2007

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all qwyatt on the western front

How da O.K. Corral was after Mr. Earp and his law-enforcement associates engaged in their famous shootout and subdued or eliminated all of da noisily-gun-blasting outlaws.

If da outlaw gang "Cowboys" had simply followed da "no guns within city limits" ordinance and thus not run afoul of da local marshals, things might have remained "all qwyatt on the western front" for everyone involved.

by QuacksO March 13, 2023