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The pioneers of symphonic metal
Started in the late '80s as a death metal band from Sweden.
They experimented with symphonies and choirs in the early '90s in their songs with fantastic results that they created the first death metal album heavily influenced with symphonies/choirs, the album is called "Theli" and anyone who has appreciation with music should buy it as soon as they get a chance.
Therion is made up of 4 Swedes: a drummer, bass guitarist, and 2 guitarists; they hire choirs & opera singers for studio and live performances.
They are extremely talented, the band members and their singers/choirs, and the great thing about them is that they don't shove their skill right into your face 24/7 (see Dragonforce).
Their lyrics are usually about the occult; the singing are trade-offs between a person using deathgrunts, fast-singing choir, and other voices.

If you like listening to bands like Nightwish & Dimmu Borgir, you'll love Therion.

"Theli" and "Secret of the Runes" are must buys.

If God made a band, it would be Therion.

by RROMM September 18, 2007

65πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž


Therion is a Swedish symphonic metal band. It takes its name from the Greek word therion, which means beast, in reference to the "beast" of the Christian Book of Revelation. However, the band's name itself originates from the Celtic Frost album To Mega Therion. Therion was founded by Christofer Johnsson in 1987. Beginning as a death metal band, they later turned to combining orchestral elements with their metal music, employing heavy use of choirs and classical musicians, not only as additions to but also as integral parts of the composition.

Therion's music takes its themes from different mythologies and is based on concepts ranging from occultism, magic and ancient traditions and writings. The majority of their lyrics are written by Thomas Karlsson, head and founder of the magical order Dragon Rouge, of which Johnsson is a member.

Dude, Therion totally changed my life! Because of them I found out about Dragon Rouge, from there I found out about lucid dreaming, from that I found out about astral projection, then went on to metaphysics, then "the occult", then skepticism, then psychology and exploring the mind.
I owe you everything.

Oh, and Therion fucking rule!

by _eurotrash_ November 13, 2006

18πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


Therion, is a character from the game Octopath traveler. He does not give shits. He steals them.

Man, Therion is a fucking dick.

by TotoguyJoestar06 January 21, 2021


A thief who wears purple. He likes apples and will steal the armour off your back if he can get away with it.

"Have you heard of that thief, Therion?" "Yeah, that bastard stole from me last week!"

by bewilderedgrace July 13, 2023


Therion is normally a name given to the whitest kids in the world. They never go outside and play Fortnite all day. They also typically attracted to kids named Nathan.

Go outside! Don’t be a Therion.

by Craig_21 April 27, 2019

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

To Mega Therion

"The Great Beast", in Greek

Aleister Crowley styled himself as 'To Mega Therion', meaning 'The Great Beast'.

by Figleaf23 September 19, 2007

34πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Therion girlfriend

a girlfriend that is not real but in you imagination goonotizes you

I just got my very first therion girlfriend

by Mr Beldings Therion girlfriend May 5, 2024