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A level of thickness that has transcended the physical three-dimensional world and goes into the fourth dimension. No current case is recorded of someone who has survived encounters with such a beings characteristic.

I heard a story once of a girl who was so thiqqq that when she went to school the students, staff, and the physical school itself were never seen again.

by Knowledge man November 30, 2017

36👍 2👎


Unlike its beta brother "thiqqq", thiQQQ transcends beyond the discussion of the dimensional universe as we know it. No known encounters have been recorded though mathematical theory proves that such a level exists.

Cameron: "Bro how do we even know such a thickness as thiQQQ exists?"
Austin: "Quick maths my friend."

by The Math 255 Gang December 2, 2017


When your girl so damn THICC you need to use a different letter to describe it

Bob: Damn shes Thick
Martin: Don't you mean Thiqqq?

by HAileeGUthrie November 12, 2020


Thiqqq when something is thicker than a stick or a pick but a pic ke that fits in your very thiqqq d**************K

Wow bob, isn't she thiqqq"ya she is very thiqqq".

by cuz i want to May 30, 2019