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The final act whilst sat upon a toilet & having a dump, to squeeze the final bits of poo out.

I was sat on the john the other day for like, 10 minutes of pure thrutching, and nothing came out. I felt cheated

by Dan_the_01 May 9, 2011

15👍 3👎


making a grunting noise and doing a strenuous movement, requiring a lot of strength.
often used in climbing, rugby, and pooping.

(Dennis the climbing instructor:THRUTCH! GIVE IT SOME BEEF!
*climber thrutches,reaches out for next handhold, legs start to shake from the strain, and they only just get the handhold*
(Dennis:nice on, good thrutching there!

by sethkasketch June 11, 2008

35👍 16👎


To flail desperately

As John attempted to climb the crack in the cliff he started thrutching, causing his skin to peel and his hands to bleed.

by Marc Leclerc March 12, 2008

9👍 19👎


The action of hip movement with or without a sexual partner mimicking the act of intercourse. NOTE - Can be applied to animals.

Dog's at it again, thrutching my leg last night.

by Tboy June 3, 2005

13👍 62👎


A generally unserious rear collision in a car. Also to sound like crunch or crash. You don't thrutch someone from the side as a rule. Concertina style crash rather than bouncing off

I didn't see the car ahead stop and I thrutched him.

by tartrazine August 11, 2010

6👍 27👎