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A local hero in the Broadway show, "Once on this Island", often known for breaking awkward silences, saving the day, and being awesome.

In recognition, Tonton has his own holiday "Tontonmas" where young children celebrate by eating large amounts of Waffles.

Pray! Pray! Tonton?

by TTJ G July 23, 2011

32πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


1) Another word for tatas that are huge.
2) Something you wish your girlfriend had.

2) Those tontons were awesome.
3) Something that guys jerk off to.

by Tonton-lover October 23, 2010

11πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


Girls who are so fat, they not only weight tons, but they also make you want to slice them open, crawl inside them for warmth, just like Luke Skywalker did to that ton-ton in The Empire Strikes Back!

OMG, this cold is freezing my nuts off, we need to find some tontons!

by Anita B. January 22, 2008

15πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

Tonton H

The Tonton H is your famous uncle who killed many people.

He has the same mustache as Charlie Chaplin and took "gaslighting" to a whole new level.

Friend : Yo your Tonton H is dope !
You : What the fuck is wrong with you.

by BagheeraNoir May 7, 2024


Noun (Jean-Tonton)

is the meaning of life. Also known as TonTonnerie. Jean-TonTon is a lifestyle. The five (5) principles of the TonTonnerie are:

1) Stay humble and true to yourself.

2) You are not alone.

3) Give love because you can’t run out of love.

4) Be smart with your time because you will run out of time.

5) Enjoy!

Verbe (TonTonne) : Mean that your are respecting the five (5) principal.

Example: (person 1) Yo bro what’s up? (person2). We TonTonne you already know my G thats life!

Example 1: (person 1) Yoo this song is dope who that? (person 2) Thats Jean-TonTon! or Thats La TonTonnerie!

Example 2: (person 1) Yo bro what’s up? (person2). We TonTonne you already know my G thats life!

by The1NonlyJ-TT November 23, 2021