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A person found on social networking sites such as: MySpace,Bebo ad Facebook who uploads pictures of their shirtless upper body in a desperate attempt to display their "non-existent" six packs. This is often a way fo getting girls (usually of the chav variety) to become sexually attracted to them.

OMG did you see his Facebook, he's SUCH a torso babezzz.

by Myles Bevan April 1, 2008

108๐Ÿ‘ 52๐Ÿ‘Ž


Trying to twerk but not really achieving to do so. Moving your butt and trying to twerk but instead of twerking, moving your torso and ass quite fast. Its not a good look.

Tasha: "Yeah. I saw wayne torsoing last night. Not a good look."

Nathan: "yeah my eyes were bleeding!"

by Tashaxxx April 12, 2014


the human body considered without head and limbs, or a statue representing it

His torso has an inmpressive V-shape

by Solitude is Bliss January 11, 2006

81๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž


The entire body minus the head and limbs. Often used when someone is wounded in the implacable area just between the chest and stomach.

*Trinity and an Agent are falling through from a building and shooting at eachother*

Agent: *hoots Trinity*

Trinity: Agh! I just got shot in the torso!

Narrator: Chest or stomach, Trin?

Trinity: I don't know or care, and thanks alot for breaking the fourth wall !

by Deoxys Ribonuke January 19, 2007

28๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


an acronymn meaning Totally Over Rated Sell Outs as coined by the band, TORSO (Totally Over Rated Sell Outs) in 2006 by it's founder and owner, S. Mayer.

Dude, did you hear the new song from TORSO (Totally Over Rated Sell Outs)?

by s mayer December 22, 2006

17๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Torso Sack

Another name for breasts.

Beatrice was bragging about her new nipple piercing and I dared her to show me. She lifted up her shirt to reveal her torso sack. Her nipple was indeed pierced.

by G.T. Collins April 25, 2009

31๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

torso party

a party where there are large numbers of sweaty southern men with their tops off, usually drinking beer and flexing for chicks, while trying to appear as if they are not trying to flex.

I was walking past the fraternity house... those idiots were having a torso party

by ghost boy May 31, 2006