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triple triple

a coffee ordered with 3 each of cream (or milk) and sugar

yeah, gimme a large triple triple

by Jake March 6, 2004

29👍 13👎

triple triple

The best score you can get in Scrabble.

If a word is formed that covers two red Triple Word Squares, the score is tripled and then tripled again, or is nine times the total letter count.

Jerry: WOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAH!!
Me: Why are you so happy?
Jerry: I just got a TRIPLE TRIPLE!!
Me: WTF!!?!?!?!! HOW!?!!?!?

by Cloud November 24, 2004

15👍 7👎

Triple Triple

To have three threesomes in one semester with completely different women every time.

I had 2 Triple Triples this school year.

by Yerzzus January 28, 2020