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Past participle of Tread;Treading or Trod;TRODDEN:(verb) 1: Stepping/walking on/over. 2: moving on foot: walking; also Dancing. 3: beating/pressing with the feet

(Noun). 1: marked/Mark made by or as if by Trodden. 2: the manner/sound of stepping. 3. a wearisome routine.

Anna was trodden all over the town just looking for a place to cast a spell on.
I noticed some animal had trodden across the front yard.

by DeepThrowWitDancer March 11, 2022


trodden is a sweet amazing guy but is not afraid to get in a fight. he is a great skateboarder and will likely go to the x games

that guy is such a trodden

by gfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfgfg June 14, 2017

3👍 5👎