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Turtle Farmer

one who farms turtles for a living.

a light insult when you dont want to get all vulgar. Unless you want to get vulgar then you add it to a vile slew of words

Guy1: Thats not a tortoise, that's a red eared slider.

Guy2: What are you a fucking turtle farmer?

You goddamn mutha fucking shit rolling dick lactating crack licking turtle farmer

by Crunchyness April 29, 2007

47👍 16👎

turtle farmer

The individual responsible for extracting the boofed object; a correctional officer

Upon arriving to the correctional facility for a conjugal visit , I was subjected to a cavity search by a turtle farmer.

by Kattpisseverdeen March 5, 2015

turtle farmer

a turtle farmer is a racial slur toward any islander but mainly fijians

stop being such a stupid turtle farmer

by matthew will steall ur daughte May 30, 2024