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1. Someone who has surpassed the normal realm of gay (or lameness) and is now attempting to capitalize on the gay industry.

2. Anyone who rerolls in World of Warcraft as a Blood Elf.

Guy 1: Man, paladins are so gay they make my balls hurt.

Gay 2: Try a Blood Elf paladin, now thats ultra-gay.

by Sanrin/Fhenrir October 11, 2007

59πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

ultra- gay

1.the highest level of homosexuality that one can achieve.
2.in hospital terminology one who wears bright white sneakers with dark blue or black scrubs.
3. A man who drives an ambiguously gay car with a straight face.

Your so ultra- gay when you heard it was raining cocks you left your umbrella at home

by Doug W. February 13, 2008

16πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Ultra Gay Porter

Porter He will give you head whenever you ask

Just hit That Ultra Gay Porter

by Slugsnail October 1, 2019

ultra gay faggot

someone who sucks 7 dicks while blindfolded and taking a large hammer in their asshole while there is a hole in the hammer the guy sticks his dick in to get fucked up A.K.A super faggoty and extreme gay

Bill: Yo wassup Sam
Sam: How's it going bro?
Bill: Oh shit, I see mark he is an ultra gay faggot
Sam: Oh that guy that was on the world record book for suckin 7 dicks while blindfolded and taking a large hammer in their asshole while there is a hole in the hammer the guy sticks his dick in???
Bill: yeah that gay ass piece of shit!

by BroJock September 9, 2017

5πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Super mega ultra gay

David is super mega ultra gay. Meaning hes gay :)

" David is super mega ultra gay lmao hahahahahahahhahahahahahhaha" this means he is gay :)

by DuckDuckGooseDuckDuckGoose May 31, 2018

ultra mega gay

ultra mega gay means that you love to lick, suck and bite large dicks. You can not be ultra mega gay if you say β€œno homo”

Alex: Yo Sam, that guy matt is ultra mega gay.
Sam: No he’s not, he said no homo

by yougotasmallpeen October 28, 2019

Super mega ultra special gay

Someone who is unbelievably gay, to an ungodly level

Do you know max?
Yeah he's super mega ultra special gay

by Bovoloaeuib June 8, 2021