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up to you

you want to go to the mall or the movie


by jay109746 March 21, 2023


Maori word Which describes the concept of balance or reciprocation. Sometimes used to describe revenge, but also refers to returning a kindness.


by jtas January 9, 2017

12πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Sentence filler. Can be used in multiple languages including Macedonian. Commonly used in awkward situations. Can also mean, a cat's hairy tail.

Person A: Hey
Person B: Hey
Person A: How are you?
Person B: Good thanks!

5 mins later.......
Person A: Utu.......
Person B: Why'd you say a cat's tail?
Person A: I meant it as in..... oh never mind.

by Zacii November 7, 2011

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


1. Utu (noun)
The phenomenon of a penis falling off of its regular place.

2. Utu (verb)
To intentionally make someone's penis fall off of its regular place

1. Utu ( noun )
Eric underwent utu at the age of 5.

2. Utu ( verb )

Daniel utued Eric when Eric was 5.

by Suzy's BF March 21, 2011

18πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

Utu bomb

To get fawkin blasted; knocked out; ko’d; you’re done; goodnight; a punch with the force of the entire Polynesian army.

I Utu bombed this dumb haole at the beach cuz he was checkin out my side chicks ass.

by Kamehamehas_cock May 9, 2021

Utu bang banging

Having sex

Hou you faka what you like I stay utu bang banging my chick

by PartyGirl369 November 11, 2020

utu bang bang

A mans eggplant, penis, peepee, boto.

Eh brah, I went give her da utu bang bang last night.

by dhubutuutu April 8, 2019

137πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž