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Van Gogh

The Van Gogh is a sexual act where you start off with small strokes like you are painting a landscape and then you finish with a vibrant end

I van goghed your mum
Iโ€™m gonna van gogh you
He van goghed me yesterday

by Women Moment November 12, 2020

15๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Van Gogh

To ejaculate on a girl in an attempt to paint a picture on her stomach

One usually stares at the painted picture to admire its beauty

verb: "I hope I can van gogh her tonight"

I just van goghed her last night man, it was awesome

by Bitches1 April 17, 2009

100๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Van Gogh

Van Gogh; noun. Referring to the grand master himself, the phrase Van Gogh is used to describe a female of outstanding natural beauty, otherwise referred to as a 'Fitty'. No further clarification is needed.

See also Monet and Picasso

'Check out than Van Gogh over there'
'I pulled a Van Gogh last night'

e.g. Kate Beckinsale, Jennifer Love-Hewit, Melissa Theuriau

by Fresher November 25, 2005

43๐Ÿ‘ 27๐Ÿ‘Ž

Van Gogh

v.; to cut off one's own ear.

That music was so bad I Van Goghed myself to relieve the pain.

by The ineffible deity, God July 6, 2005

38๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Van Gogh

An Increasingly rare Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle who often hides from the world in the sewer and never comes out in daytime. His weapon is razor blades which he sadly ends up using on himself. Drinks heavily and watches lots of porn.

Steve- "Johnny Van Gogh from T.M.N.T. make sme wanna kill myself!"
Johnny- "yeah Steve... he's really depressing!"

by batsoup August 24, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Van Gogh

To inadvertently fly a drone or quad copter into ones self causing injury to ones ear.

Man, did you see that guys ear? He was flying his racing drone in the house and totally Van Goghed himself!

by This is just a pseudonym November 11, 2021

Van Gogh

During the course of a girl performing filacio and nearing the state of climax, the male distracts the girl, causing her to remove her mouth from the male's penis and turn her head. At this moment, the male then finishes by ejaculating in the ear that is closest to his penis.

Yo man how was last night with that jont?

Dude, it was awesome! She gave me head!

Oh for real, good shit. How did it go down?

Well as she was going down, before I nut I was like, "Yo look over there!" Then she turned her head and I Van Gogh'd the shit out of her!

LMAO! Nice job man. I'm proud of you dog. Keep it hood nigga.

by realtalkjuggie February 24, 2012

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