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Someone who talks a lot of smack or talks a lot of shit but they never act on it.

they love to talk behind people's backs and cause issues, but as soon as it becomes even the slightest bit physically violent they back out straight away.

"Yo, mans talkin mad smack bruv, i told him we should settle beef outside today but he backed out fam, mans vilted as fuck"

by PYROKO7 February 27, 2021

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A beautiful, independent woman who has an exquisite smile to match her personality.

Vilte is a woman who makes people wonder how they ended up being so lucky to be with her in the first place.

The name Vilte belongs only to very special women and is way more unique than other common names (like Ashley).

Me: Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are?
Vilte: No, I don't think so...
Me: Well you're more than amazing, you're a Vilte!!!

by MrToasty November 18, 2015

97πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


Beautiful Woman brings hope to the world. She lives in her own little world and is very keen on the 1930s to 1960s style

Look at her she is such a vilte from lithuania

by Sunshine292 December 30, 2011

37πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Vilte is a name belonging to a gorgeous girl who may find her passion in music, athletics or dance, or maybe all of them. She is physically strong but mentally she may not be and won't open up if she isn't close with you, but when you really get to know her, she is smart but also stubborn, loud, independent and caring.
If you get on her nerves though, she will not take it nicely.

Her favourite hobby is talking shit about everyone she doesn't like (and that's a lot of people) and making memories with her friends are her most favourite memories. Vilte's friends mean everything to her and she will do everything for them. She LOVES talking about boys (or girls)

Vilte is a unique and loyal friend and unreal girlfriend, and you should definitely become friends with her.

Overall, Vilte

"Whos that gorgeous chick there laughing with her friends"
"Bro thats Vilte, go and talk to her you could shoot your shot"

by h0elifeorn0life October 13, 2022


a chick who studies economics and swears that this time she'll take her therapy seriously

- hey whats ur name?
- vilte
- alriight, 2+2

by boobawooba November 26, 2021


a chick who studies economics and swears that this time she'll take her therapy seriously

- whats ur name?
- vilte
- ok 2+2

by boobawooba November 26, 2021


vilte is a too faced girl that is used to getting whatever she wants.If she doesn’t get what she wants she will throw a fit owner some dumb shit

what’s that two facet girls name ,oh that’s vilte

by November 21, 2021