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Wear black

All Monday’s you have to wear black,If you don’t wear black then is gonna be bad luck.

Wear black on Monday’s that’s it

by Peppa the hoe✌🏼 September 9, 2019

10👍 1👎

wear black about it

to still be preoccupied, sad, yearning, or nostalgic about something.

A wreckless driver ran over my dog when I was 5 years old, and I still wear black about it.

by Tarps February 16, 2009

1👍 1👎

National wear black day

On December 5th is when you wear all black.

Hey did you know it’s national wear black day?

by Karmasabish November 13, 2019

20👍 2👎

wearing all black

People who listen to heavy metal and refuse to buy new clothes. Hates hipsters and mainstream music. Usually plays electric guitar and thinks beards are cool.

"You see that kid who's wearing all black over there? He probably hates you"

by Doesn't wear all black September 14, 2013

24👍 30👎

Wearing the black tuxedo

A euphemism for the dominant woman in a lesbian relationship.

The big gal is definately wearing the black tuxedo.

by Buxtahooty March 17, 2010

National wear black day

There should be an National wear back Day so let it be on December 5th we all wear black

Person: why are you wearing all black?

Other person: because today is National wear black day!

by Tre_jo_ the_creater November 22, 2019