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A person who is beyond just weird. So weird, that they make up their own words, and try to pass them as real in day- to-day conversations to the point that they start to believe that they are in fact real. Some people may think a weirderer is just a tool.

No, you're totally weirderer. He's just mad because he turned out to be a weirderer.

by Miss_Jimmy September 20, 2010

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Than me

Weirder person why you search that on urban dictionary

by Bsw111213 August 8, 2020


its defo a word .. means your just real weird

you are weirders

by Savage alert January 10, 2021

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Weirder is more than weird. It is beyond.

Gabriel: "But I like weirdπŸ˜‰ cuz I am tooπŸ˜‚ And your great that's why I talk to you alot
Karina: "I think I can be weirderπŸ˜‚"

by Exokarina July 10, 2017

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The Weirder The Better

Anything other than average looks, behavior, personality and all other ways to make you feel weird. Craziness in life will always toss you something that you haven't seen before. It's ok because the weirder the better. You understand it will show up when your not looking.

That guy was fucked up. Hey the weirder the better.

by Shitzami September 13, 2021


Weriderer is when something or someone is weirder than simply being weird, or weirder.
It's a different level of weird.

Oh, That's weird. No it's actually weirder than weird, in fact it's much more weirderer than anything I've seen.

by All_Life_Matters January 13, 2023

weirder weirdo

Someone who's weirder than me but not as cool as me

Person: who's that?

Me: oh dw he's just a weirder weirdo hehehe

by i have a higher IQ than you March 3, 2021