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West Coastin

West Coastin is when you are hanging out drinking and smoking with a group of people. Either in someone's yard or a public park

Hey man come on through we just west coastin over here

by DJ NickatNight September 27, 2004

73👍 15👎


This is a word used to describe what you will be doing or did the other night/day. The word west-coastin has been taken from the Knocturnal song ‘Bad Intentions’. I don't give a fuck 'cause I'm just drinkin, smokin, straight west-coastin.

If you have been out the night before drinkin and smokin weed you have been out west-costin.

Person 1: Yo dawg you was mashed last night!!

Person 2: Yeah I know I was straight west-coastin all night.

by pussy crew August 17, 2006

35👍 21👎

Postin West Coastin

Being somewhere just realxing or kicking back ; Usually somewhere on the West Coast of USA. People from mostly California would use it.

- Hey man what you doing?

- Not much jus here at my house Postin West Coastin!

by Chilly Mack October 12, 2009

6👍 3👎