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The liberal word for a swamp, a marsh, or a mudflat.

You must never say "swamp" when a white liberal is in the room. She will be offended! You must always say "wetlands" so she won't be offended.

by Cap'n Bullmoose September 1, 2008

21πŸ‘ 71πŸ‘Ž

Wetland Quim

A large pulsating moist vulva which has seen its best days

Have you heard about Barry's Wetland Quim?

by Darkdestroyer20 September 9, 2020

Wetlands in the sheets

When you’re cuddling in bed and tell a joke, your girl laughs so hard she gets the bed soaked

I was telling my girl all.about cumslaps next think you know she's laughing so hard it was wetlands in the sheets!

by Ammo4u March 10, 2023

Mississippi Wetlands

when your buddy is sleeping,you pee all the way across his eyes.

Dude look at the Mississippi wetlands I gave my friend lastnight

by Raymond Johnson May 19, 2005

6πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

federally protected wetlands

Jenna Bush's Snatch

Now that she's 18, I guess Jenna's federally protected wetlands are open for public drilling.

by Aesop May 1, 2004

62πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

frigid wetland

when a horny girl goes outside in the cold

my girl turned into a frigid wetland when she went out

by frigid wetland March 6, 2021