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the incorrect spelling of winner.

"in war there are no winers"
"shut up"

by Pinguinthehouse February 19, 2022


Someone who only drinks top shelf, high end wines. Someone who brags in your face about all of the knowledge of wine they know. Essentially a Winer.

Want to invite Samantha over for dinner? No she's a Winer. What we have won't be good enough for her.

by YungShalom August 26, 2020

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winer (plu. winers)... or to wine (verb)

One who whines and dines; typically drinking cheap red wine out of a bag-in-box (for example Monsieur Rouge)

- He's just been wining since his girlfriend left him

by Japfreak February 12, 2005

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Winer Cousins

Two or more guye that are banging the same woman

Obie trice and Eminem both fucked the same girl. they are now winer cousins

by Demi Tamwood January 30, 2010

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Derragatory term used for the forty niners usually by superior Raider Fans.

The forty winers got their ass kicked this sunday

by migy October 2, 2006

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Vaginer Winer

the opposite of a cockblock. This is when a homie of yours is downplaying you to the girl your trying to lay, cause he's trying to lay too...

Homie: Yo, Kent told that chick you were talking to that you get mad at small shit

You: Whatever cuz, that cat's a Vaginer Winer...

by El Peels August 4, 2008

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Synonymous for brewing or distilling, but only applicable to wine.

The winery tap room was only a tap room, and therefore did not winerize their wines in house.

by YerbaMatesWithCats February 2, 2019