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A crack that is wise. No, not the drug.

(most effective if a straight face is kept)

Bill: "Hey guys i got some sweet new k-swiss"

John: " yea dude, those K-swiss you have there are totally sweet."

Bill: "hey thanks!"

John: "Wow"

10 minutes later...

Bill: "hey dude was that a wisecrack??"

John: Not at all man. Wisecrack? I dont even know what that is.

by Bigh Ballsac September 29, 2008

17👍 45👎


A smart or facetious remark

James: You look pretty, Priscilla.

Priscilla: Thank you!

James: Pretty damn ugly! (Laughs)

A classic James wisecrack. James is a wisecracker.

by Scarface15 January 14, 2015

23👍 4👎


Somehow being smart and cool at the same time, but being an annoying piece of shit.

"Yo bro, see that kid? He loves wisecracking."
"I gotcha bro, let's meet at the parking lot. I come from the right, you come from the left. Let's beat up this asshole."
"That's what I like to hear! Up top!"

by SqueezyPeasy December 13, 2020

4👍 2👎

Bud Wisecracker

A dude who starts slinging insults after he's had a few brews (such as budweiser).

BUD WISECRACKER: Hey, Pamela, you got some nice titties on ya! Come over here and let me suck on your nips!

PAMELA: Shut up, Asshole!

BUD WISECRACKER: What are you lookin' at Tommy.

SMASH!!! Tommy's fist knocks out all of Bud's front teeth and sends him on a snooze cruise.

by Bar Bare-all Eden May 29, 2006

20👍 8👎


Being smart and cool at the same time, but also being an annoying piece of shit.

"Yo bro, see that kid over there? He loves wisecracking."
"I gotcha bro, you come from the left side, I come from the right. Let's beat this prick up."
"That's what I like to hear. Meet you at the parking lot. Up top!"

by SqueezyPeasy December 13, 2020


Being smart and cool at the same time, but also being annoying and an asshole.

"Hey bro, see that kid? He loves wisecracking."
"I gotcha bro, meet you at the parking lot. Let's get 'im."
"That's what I like hearing, man. Up top."

by SqueezyPeasy December 13, 2020


Being smart and cool at the same time, but also being an annoying piece of shit.

"Hey bro, see that kid? He loves wisecracking."
"I gotcha bro, meet you at the parking lot. Let's get 'im."
"That's what I like hearing, man. Up top."

by SqueezyPeasy December 13, 2020