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When the bottom jaw protrudes, such as that of the humphead wrasse

Look at that guy, some wrassing there.

by Matt Wrasse April 21, 2008

4👍 1👎


A large group of fish, usually living among coral. They are either small skinny colorful little reef fish, or ugly wide giant big-lipped little fuckers. Some species, specifically the Six-line Wrasse, require a feeding of dried semen five times a day. Most wrasses eat Invertebrates, such as snails, small crustaceans (relative to their size), and worms. The ones you typically find in aquariums are pretty much just freshwater loaches, but better. Not that loaches are bad. Khuli loaches specifically are very cool. Just remember to feed Six-line wrasses dried semen, maybe a tiny bit of human feces, laced with cyanide, and you will be fine!

Guy 1: Hey, wanna see my aquarium?
Guy 2: Does it have a wrasse?
Guy 1: Well no, but-
Guy 2: Do not care.
Guy 1: But its only a 30 gallon! Only lame or hard to find wrasses can live in that!
Guy 2: Fine. Does it have SPS coral?
Guy 1: Well yes actual-
Guy 2: Do not care. Bye.
Guy 3: Remember kids, SPS corals are extremely ugly and boring!

by SlipperyDickWrasse August 18, 2023