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really, really wrong

Using wronger in a sentence is wronger than wrong.

by So Cal Gal March 26, 2005

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the state of being more wrong than the last person.

" i told you i'd put it in the dictionary, so you were wronger than i was." :P

by h0m3r0w3d September 19, 2005

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To be more incorrect

jamie says:
im right about 'sleepy'
kirst says:
you certainly are not you couldn't be far wronger

by jasonlovescharlie February 22, 2009

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A more severe meaning of 'wrong'

Even though Christina wearing those chaps was wrong, Britney shaving her head bald was even Wronger!

by Lady Lynxx April 15, 2008

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Way wronger

Aussie smack for something so excessively wrong that you shit and wet your pants at the same time

She shat her pants on the tram it was so way wronger.

by Blonde February 28, 2017

Bad Wronger

A person who’s terrible at being wrong.

A variation of bad loser.


1. Wow, I told Brad that Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, not 1965, and the douche went on for 10 minutes trying to debate the matter. 2. Yeah Brad’s a well known Bad Wronger.

by Bigfreedog July 21, 2011

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Wronger than wrong

Something said with so much error that anything following it is an absurd conclusion.

This phrase's first known utterance was from Isaac Asimov.

"When people thought the earth was flat, they were wrong. When people thought the earth was spherical, they were wrong. But if you think that thinking the earth is spherical is just as wrong as thinking the earth is flat, then your view is wronger than both of them put together." - Isaac Asimov

If you think that evolution means that monkeys should be turning into humans and that intelligent design is a scientific theory comparable to evolutionary theory then you are wronger than wrong.

by catsgotmytongue October 7, 2010