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WSU has always been known as a party school. Located in Pullman there is nothing around but you and other students so drinking is a must. Cougs were among the first to discover 4 loco's and they quickly replaced busch light(Pullman water) as the offical drink of WSU. It is said WSU coined the phrase blackout in a can for four loco's

Wsu student: were you blacked last night?
WSU female: When I drink I drink to get blacked, If I dont black its not a good night

by pullmang December 23, 2010

148👍 48👎


WSU stands for Web Sign Ups in marketing gibberish.

The total WSU for the campaign was 162.

by Bailey Steve June 18, 2019


party school of the North West. Greatest "Educational" facilities in the fucking world. Where dreams are made and bitches get laid. Puts Washington on the map. What happens at Washington........... stays in your blood for up to thirty days :)

Hey man did u go to WSU last weekend. Yeah and Im still getting calls from ramdom white girls, claiming i have their boyfriends jacket

by CrazyLegsProductions October 20, 2008

204👍 122👎


Large Eastern Washington high school with an unusually high percentage of students requiring free and reduced lunches.

Horatio- " Someone from WSU got into Evergreen State College. WSU is movin' up in the world."

by flavorfulcracker July 11, 2008

90👍 238👎


The Whore and Slut University. Hence: WSU. These assclowns all major in Beer Pong and re-use party cups. This is one of the major causes of all the disease that is spread around. The other is obviously the lack of use for condoms. If you have a 1.5 GPA, you are almost guaranteed admission to the ZZU. In other words, if you were to take an obese pig, a retarded monkey, a diseased dog and a chicken that has a loose vagina and combined all 4 together, you would get WAZZU, aka the ZZU aka the slums of Washington.

WSU "student" Fred: "What's a condom Billy?"
WSU "student" Billy: "I think it's beer."
WSU "student" Fred: "Oh hell yeah!!! lets drink condoms!"

by Mikie Tysonn bro boi January 30, 2014

24👍 72👎


Washington State University birth place of all geeks

more blog'ers, geeks, core hogs and Q ball's goto wsu than anywhere else on Earth.
Thanks to Mr softie.

by itichie_nocanpo August 23, 2006

74👍 275👎

WSU Tri-delt

Girls that make an underage amateur porn video.

Oh my gosh did you see those WSU Tri-delts online?

by BradysAngels November 2, 2012

5👍 1👎