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n. A person who is especially interested in foreign cultures, languages, and people. This usually develops through education and research about the varied accomplishments--artistic , linguistic, political, martial, architectural--of cultures not their own. Unlike such specimens as the Wapanese or the rice queen, xenophiles are not motivated by jungle fever, yellow fever or spice fever. Of course, xenophiles often display some romantic appreciation for the denizens of the culture/s in which they are interested.
An Orientalist may be a xenophile, though not all xenophiles are Orientalists. Xenophiles are often polyglots and learn different languages and writing systems. A xenophile is the opposite of a xenophobe.

Much to their chagrin, xenophiles are commonly asked such questions as "What do you see in (insert name of country)?" or "Why do you like ________ people so much?"

Being extremely old, full and varied, the cultures of India and China are popular among xenophiles.

by madmouth August 12, 2007

218👍 46👎


n. A person who is especially interested in foreign cultures, languages, and people. This usually develops through education and research about the varied accomplishments--artistic, linguistic, political, martial, architectural--of cultures not their own. Unlike such specimens as the Wapanese or the rice queen, xenophiles are not motivated by jungle fever, yellow fever or spice fever. Of course, xenophiles often display some romantic appreciation for the denizens of the culture/s in which they are interested.
An Orientalist may be a xenophile, though not all xenophiles are Orientalists. Xenophiles are often polyglotts and learn different languages and writing systems. A xenophile is the opposite of a xenophobe.

Much to their chagrin, xenophiles are commonly asked such questions as "What do you see in (insert name of country)?" or "Why do you like ________ people so much?"

Being extremely old, full and varied, the cultures of India and China are popular among xenophiles.

by madmouth August 7, 2007

43👍 21👎


The opposite of somebody who fears foreigners/strangers: the xenophobe, comes the far more annoying counterpart: the xenophile. Looks for any and every reason to strike up a conversation with a stranger in any and every situation, especially in situations where it would be considered odd to do such a thing--i.e. on an elevator, the bus or next stall in a public bathroom. Xenophiles typically are undaunted by a person who repeatedly gives signs that they do not want to, or are not into socializing, and will continue their onslaught of endless questions or observations, regardless of this. In most cases, a true xenophile will only use another person as a front to talk out loud, and hence, expressing their own ideas and opinions so that others will be forced into hear them. Often, a xenophile conversation will continue on and on without the other person's/victim's giving the xenophile any encouragement to do so.

People sitting quietly, reading periodicals in a Library. Fidgety man looking around at everybody and every thing except the reading material he has in his hand. One person happens to clear their throat.
Xenophile, instantly: "Oh, are you sick? I guess there's a bug going around. Lucky for me I haven't caught one yet, of course, this time of year I almost often do."
Instantly-regretting-clearing-their-throat person:"....Oh."
Undaunted Xenophile: "So, what's your name?"

by Falconkicks March 15, 2011

22👍 97👎


n. Someone (usually a liberal hipster) who kisses the ass of someone else from a foreign religion or race solely out of the thrill of being exposed to different cultures. They also tend to be overly defensive of that culture and be a martyr for them all the time. This, however, does not apply to Christians or most white people.

Xenophiles in our government are why America gives illegal immigrants special rights that it's own citizens don't.

Dude 1: I heard that Obama is letting Muslims opt out of Obamacare.
Dude 2: Bullshit. What a xenophile...

by Chiminix January 12, 2014

30👍 129👎