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She is an amazing person who is kind, caring ,beautiful inside and out, and she is very funny. Has a very beautiful eyes and smile, and she is very selfless. She loves to help people but can be very shy, she is as creative as her name. A very loyal person who doesn’t like to let people down and she is very loveable. She has an amazing personality, she enjoys being herself and being sarcastic. She isn’t one to judge a book by it’s cover. Her favorite hobbies include hiking, going to the beach, reading, drawing, and photography. She loves to go outside but she’d rather be inside. She is so talented and it can make people jealous but she doesn’t let those people get to her. She is very inspiring and she gives out great advice. She can make anyone smile when they are having a bad day and she is very encouraging. She is just a really amazing person and anyone would be lucky to have someone like her.

Ex. “Yaeli is so kind and so inspiring.”

Ex. “Doesn’t Yaeli have a beautiful smile?”
Ex. “She is so talented.”

by Cuteperson05829 January 9, 2019


She is beautiful and kind. She is smart and if you have a yaeli in our life don’t let her go. She likes flowers and she enjoys having fun. She is usually the smartest person in the room, don’t let her go. She is someone special and the lord put her in this world for a reason. Her name is unique just like her, she is artistic!

Omg! It is Yaeli she is so hot and sexy. Yaeli is so kind so glad I am friends with her. Wish Yaeli was mine but someone else got to her.

by 123sup456 June 5, 2018

45👍 1👎


Amazing, fun loving and the most beautiful being ever created!

Look at that beautiful Yaelys

That Yaelys sure is amazing!

by Blue Eyez February 6, 2011

5👍 1👎


it’s just yaelis nothing odd

yaelis is totally normal

by DINOZER0 March 13, 2021

2👍 2👎