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yanny vs laurel

The most annoying debate in history.

yanny vs laurel is so overated

by MMMMMMMM Jerry May 21, 2018

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Yanny vs Laurel Debate

After a tweet by Cloe Feldman went viral, the internet exploded in debate wether a robot’s voice says: β€œyanny” or β€œlaurel” And so the Yanny vs Laurel Debate was born.

Man 1: Hey what do you think the robot says in the Yanny vs Laurel Debate?

Man 2: I think it says Yanny.

Man 1: Dude, what? It’s totally Laurel

by FloatingHaddock May 16, 2018

Yanny vs laurel

This is an audio illusion. Which went viral after a post on reddit. The scientific explanation is that if you hear the frequency ”yanny” you are likely to be a pussy ass nigga. On the other hand if you hear the frequency β€œlaurel” you are likely to have a 10 inch+ penis.

Have you seen that β€œyanny vs laurel” post?

by Carl Johnson grove street May 16, 2018