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when you are simply the "mini me" of someone. you don't have to look like them or even act like them but if you are someones younga, yunga or younger then you would help them and do stuuf for them and they would protect you.

Blaze:yo my younga wat's up
Yunga Blaze: yo blaze ma olda
Blaze:yeah man your my yunga

by Ozzy_C March 16, 2006

57πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Sum 1 dat you are safe wid and care about . Dat is younger den you. Or one of your siblings dat is younger dat you.
Also know as "younger"

ken" dat bwoy iz pissing me off"
steve" low him, he's my younga"
ken" skeen ill low it den"

by Nasa February 21, 2005

23πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Someone who refers themselves as a young nigga, but the word is shortened.

Big boy: my time prolly comin soon, you feel me?16 year old me: nah bro, I’m a younga I can’t die yet Brodie

by JimReese May 2, 2020