Source Code


coolest bmw sports car

by Anonymous September 23, 2003

534πŸ‘ 187πŸ‘Ž


love you

Thanks z3 or have a great day i z3

by ジョージ October 19, 2019


A radio transmission in Counter-Strike, meaning:

Stick together team,

but said in normal life

z3, z3!!! wtf?

by Lorne Richardson July 7, 2003

73πŸ‘ 64πŸ‘Ž


Lamest BMW Sports coupe. Miata with a new badge. suXors.

"yo did your mom get a new Z3?"
"of course not."

by sparka July 13, 2005

58πŸ‘ 345πŸ‘Ž


Z3, An extension of a mans penis, the bigger the car the smaller the penis, driven by wall st brokers and theives

Hey baby wanna go for a ride in my Z3,
Lady: Fuckoff and get a bigger Cock.

Ay Ay Ay, theres a Z3 in that Garden lets nick it!!

by John (Phantom) August 31, 2006

24πŸ‘ 253πŸ‘Ž


A broken heart. Derived from <3.
Sometimes wrongly written as <s3.

Can be used sincerely or sarcastically.

Totally copyright Candice 30/4/09

Friend one: OMG! *insert devastating life occurence*

Friend two: <z3

by The Suedenator April 30, 2009


standard government approved unit of measurement used to quantify the degree of extension of an object that cannot be aptly measured in the field.

"the value of Z3 is in fact only an estimate, as even our bravest researchers cannot be persuaded to make a firsthand measurement"

by Andrea November 11, 2004

111πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž