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He is nice, caring, and funny . You will definiently want to date him. He is very nice but if you get on his wrong side he might get mad at you.

Jamie: Who is that hes making the room light up

Sarah: You didn't know that's Caric

by thatonebutter November 12, 2019


Debarshee comes from the Sanskrit word Debashree which means divine wealth

Debarshee stays true to her, i.e being a divine woman with flaws but has the courage to accept and work on them. Truly, a divine wealth.

by The Evening Breeze December 14, 2021

World War 3

Hell let loose in a nutshell, will last at least 1 fortnite game, so you'll be fine

Kids In World War 3 Do be cranking Them 90's

by Bruh flash November 20, 2020

Facebook Generation

Kids born after 2004 until now. The Facebook generation is the other half of Generation Z. They don't remember when everything wasnt on Facebook or smartphones not existing.
The Facebook Generation comes after the inbetween generation(the early generation Z's are born in 1996-1999, they remember times before facebook and hd but they don't remember a time before 9/11. They are included in generation z as a sub generation.) They are directly after the mid generation Z's who do remember no Facebook and smartphones not existing vaguely.

Early Generation Z teen: "I remember when facebook didn't exist!"

Generation Y man: "yeah but you learned about 9/11 from a textbook"

Facebook Generation: "I remember the Boston Bombings"

by ImmediateAce September 16, 2013

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floated a steamer

When a dog takes a dump in the yard and it is cold.

Hey bro, my 150 lb Mastiff just floated a steamer on your front lawn. Be warned.

by techfrog January 16, 2011


ruheentfeldenentfelden Ghettomustimusti Mafia BossGangstillhalt maul

Ehmm, รƒยคfs bitte.

by mustis.Vater.69 January 8, 2019

Bts Antis

1. Anyone who wishes for the demise of BTS, harrasses the members, makes hate pages, and frowns when they hear of BTS's success.

2. A group of uncultured swines.

Wow, those Bts Antis must be shooketh and salty that Bts is gaining recognition. Haa

by Hoesock November 18, 2017

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