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Varushka is a hella hot girl! 🔥 She is really kind, and would make a great friend to anyone, as long as you respect her, just as much as she respects you! She is quite an introvert, but that's what makes her so adorable! Sometimes she can be a badass to the people who mess with her, but overall she is amazing!

Heather the Popular girl's thoughts: Damn I'm so pretty...
Others: Wow! Varushka is like the hottest person ever! And we thought Heather was pretty 🤨

by AReallyRandomDude April 8, 2021

4👍 1👎


Something a girl/guy will write to you, if she's/he's either really excited to talk to you, or really wants to chat with you. (if they write more i's then you know it already ;)

P.s. if they write hii, then they're just happy to text you.

Alexa: Hiii
Jake: Hey how are you?
Alexa: I'm great, so happy to talk to you!

by AReallyRandomDude February 21, 2022

79👍 22👎


The word that relieves you when you hear the phrase, "We're writing a test!"

Student 1: We're writing a test!
Student 2: What??? I didn't study.
Student 1: Don't worry its informal.
Student 2: Thank god.

by AReallyRandomDude April 8, 2021


The word that everyone hates being called, but often times one should be proud of it.

Person 1: You're weird, for calling every animal your pet.
Person 2: 😤
Person 1: But I like it, it's part of your personality and it's amazing! ☺

by AReallyRandomDude August 7, 2021


The most understanding and loving types of people you'll ever meet! Unfortunately, they are often taken for granted by society, but once they feel safe in their environment, you'll see their true and real colours. If you ever find one, don't hesitate to get to know them, but be warned they do require a bit of patience, but they will get there eventually ;)

Personally, I'm an introvert guy myself, and I'm not writing this, because I'm one, but because my introverted friends are the best ;)

P.s. not all introverts are antisocial or shy, they just value their alone time a lot

Person 1: Hey how are you doing?
Introvert: I'm doing alright wby?

Few months later...

Best friends ever!

by AReallyRandomDude February 21, 2022

No cap

A new slang expression of saying "actually" or "seriously" and being honest about something

Slang: I'm going to achieve this award, no cap.
Meaning: I will and I'm actually going to get this award now.

by AReallyRandomDude July 5, 2022


Woah!! What tf was that 😂 ELMO!!! IS THAT YOU?????

Typical tiktok again!

Few seconds later... (hits his head)
Me: Get Karma!

by AReallyRandomDude March 14, 2022