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When you're feeling really bad and guilty for something and there is no word to describe how you feel.

I just feel sooooo bagua!

by Alicia September 7, 2003

3πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


A fun-loving person.
one who smokes a lot of pot
a boy who is secretly adored by millions
the female verson of koley_bear when looking in reguards to videogames etc

v. to smoke pot

GIRL 1 "I made a new best friend today.."
GIRL 2 "Oh really? who...?"
GIRL 1 "Oh just...neverdeadneveralive"
GIRL 2 *secretly angry because of secret crush* "Oh...That's cool..."

by Alicia July 15, 2004

3πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

jelly bracelets

all jelly bracelets are to me is a fashion statment.All the people at my school try to make a big deal out of it but it isnt. some people who put the fake definitions on here are sick. who's gonna kill someone fir breaking a braclet? thats so retarded.oh yeah im gonna kill or do what ever you want because yuo broke my braclet. uf someone broke one of mine i wouldn't do anything except beat their @$$.Then make them buy me new ones.My parents dont care if i wear them. i feel uncomefortable if im notn wearing them. my wrists feel naked.

at school.Hey why do you wear them? Becouse im alowed to. god leave me alone.they keep repeating that over and over it gets tiring!Im ready 2 just kick their @$$'$!!!!!!!!!

by Alicia March 16, 2004

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to be cocky (especially when concerning one's genitals.)

to be overtly flirtatious with numerous people at the same time.

Look at that pimpdaddy he is _SOOOO_ iodizedsalt!

by Alicia August 15, 2004

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dome seat

The single seat in the extended cab of a truck where a guy receives head.

Although he wanted the girl to give him road head in his new Dodge Rumble Bee, he had to take his brother's Nissan and got some in the dome seat.

by Alicia December 31, 2005

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a person who makes dykin obvious in all ways shapes or forms

Britney was flashing her rainbow and kissing her butch at the dance like a total dykedelic

by Alicia December 6, 2003

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bc bud

B.C.= British Columbia
Bud= marijuana;weed;maryjane
weed from british columbia, canada. known to be the best weed available

"yo, we blazed some of that bc bud last night, i was down right faded"

by Alicia September 30, 2004

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