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Whopper Chaw

A gigantic pinch of snuff, dip, or tobacco placed in your mouth.

Typically renders you speechless.

Primary seen in the mouths of farmers, red necks, or baseball players.

Damn, you see that Whopper Chaw Pokey Reece has? He must have a pouch of Beech-Nut in his mouth.

by BadSeedSam January 14, 2022

fromunda butter

Noun: The sweaty dead skin build up under a males ball sack

Is removed by bathing regularly with a wash cloth

Synonyms: fumanda cheese, fromunda cheese

Trainer: What was that nasty shit in you jock strap?

Athlete: It's just fromunda butter, framunda my nut sack.

by BadSeedSam January 14, 2022

Urban Dick Ghost

Noun: Description of a person who writes urban dictionary definitions and changes their psyudonym for the sake of not being got, got got.

Could be multiple, hundreds, or thousands of words and or psyudonyms

John Doe was a published Urban Dick Ghost who's never been got got.

by BadSeedSam January 14, 2022

The Redneck Mecca

A location known by non-rednecks as Pigeon Forge Tennessee

Can also include Gatlinburg Tennessee

Bubba: Where you going for Southern Speed Dating this year?

Jim Bob: Weez all headin to The Redneck Mecca.

by BadSeedSam January 13, 2022

Squatting Shit Box

A pickup truck or SUV that has been lowered only in the rear rendering it entirely useless for it's original intended purpose.

More homoerotic if it is a Jeep Wrangler.

Typically spotted in Redneck Mecca parking lots and all along the Gulf Coast.

Usually driven by wangsters or urban cowboys wearing trucker hats and wife beaters. Co-piloted by Chupacabras or hoe's beasts.

Typically ride on bargain basement 20's and have twice pipes.

Son: Bad Ass! Look at that Jeep dad!

Dad: (bitch slaps son) That's no Jeep. That's a Squatting Shit Box. You're sure to suck dick driving that POS

by BadSeedSam January 13, 2022


Verb. An expression to describe the vast unimaginable proportion of what you are seeing in present time.

Such as: One of the seven wonders of the world, Big Foot, a momentous achievement, a big deuce, or a male pen15.

Toad: Babe Gran Canyon his hooge!

Babe: Yah! It's Bingess. Like your toes lol.

Kid: That's Bigness!

Dad: No dumbass that's Shaq, not Bigfoot!

Kid: Wah?

by BadSeedSam February 9, 2022

got got got

Verb: The act of telling a white lie and getting "caught" or "got" by multiple people at the same time.

Most frequently told as a story about an individual at a gathering to produce comedic laughter, shame, or ridicule.

Can also be a successful prank with multiple layers and people resulting in public humiliation.

Girl 1: You know Felicia?
Girl 2: Yaaaaa
Girl 1: She "got got got" by Chris
Girls: Bye Felicia!

CroMagnon 1: Dat funny!
CroMagnon 2: Huh? Wah?
CroMagnon 1: TumTum "got got got!"

by BadSeedSam January 14, 2022

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