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barber threesome

When father and son and a girl have a threesome.

Did you know that Bill and son Bob did barber threesome with Sue.

by Bill&bob April 7, 2022

shiny squirrel syndrome

Somebody who is easily distracted by things other than what they're supposed to be focusing on.

Stephen has shiny squirrel syndrome, he will be talking on the phone and get distracted by something happening outside and just stop talking and focus on whatbis happening outside.

by Bill&bob October 4, 2023

that is like a Jerry Springer episode.

A unusual situation involving family members.

Did you hear Sue left her wife for her wives cousins husband, that is like a Jerry Springer episode.

by Bill&bob August 18, 2022

baboon ass red

To describe a swollen body part that is red.

Did you see Steve's nose, it was baboon ass red! So swollen from Rick punching him in the nose!

by Bill&bob April 26, 2022