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A person who is a member of WWOOF.

The countryside is crawling with wwoofers.

by Bloopy October 6, 2005

The Big D

A nickname for Dannevirke, a town in New Zealand.

The Big D is really not very big at all!

We were travelling in the car and I fell asleep for a moment ...and when I woke up I realised I'd completely missed The Big D!

by Bloopy September 23, 2005

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penis cut

A haircut similar to a bowl cut and usually longer at the back, which makes a person's head the shape of the end of a penis.

Nice penis cut you've got there Anthony, now go shove your head up your momma's fuzzy flounder!

by Bloopy April 10, 2005

36πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž

Nizzle Zizzle

Snoop Dogg speak for New Zealand

I iz goin on hizzle to Nizzle Zizzle fo' shizzle!

by Bloopy April 9, 2005

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž


To have scales, or to be scaly in appearance: either when seen with the naked eye, or under a microscope.

Lichen is sometimes described as scaly, hence the name squamatic acid: a type of acid found in lichens.

Trump is a squamatic creature.

Some eggshells have a layer known as the squamatic layer, which appears scaly under a microscope.

by Bloopy November 13, 2017

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spark up a monkey

A bizarre way for geeks to describe opening a terminal program on a computer, particularly on a Unix based computer where terminal programs are very common.

I'll spark up a monkey and type that command in to see if it makes a difference.

by Bloopy April 9, 2005

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shy bear

A shy bear is an act where you moon someone, and while you are doing this a poo pokes out (and possibly shrinks back in), like a shy bear poking its nose out of a cave.

I can't believe he pulled off a shy bear behind the principal's back!

by Bloopy April 9, 2005

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