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Poop and Pull

To jerk off while taking a shit.

The kids were downstairs and I had to take a shit, this a good time for a poop and pull.

by Canacius June 8, 2015

meadowlark lemon

Using your hand to move a girls head up and down on your buddies dick while she gives him a blow job, like your dribbling a basketball.

His buddy gave him a meadowlark lemon to show what a good friend he was.

by Canacius April 3, 2012

13👍 1👎

Frank's fresh fucked ass

1.Something to say when things dont go right (such as in a poker game).

2. A description of feelings or a situation.

3. Sometimes used as an insult.

shit! I needed a king for a straight but all I got was frank's fresh fucked ass.

Man: How you doing
Mann2: I feel like frank's fresh fucked ass thats how im doing.

Dude you look like frank's fresh fucked ass!!

by Canacius April 10, 2005

21👍 15👎