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a person who has died not from natural cuases and has not accepted death so they ponder the earth.they are possible to see if you have that ability to.

person1=DUDE what was that!!!!!
person2=i dont knowbut it was a shadow across that hallway.
person1=ohh it was probably a ghost

by Cornholiox5 July 1, 2009

8👍 9👎

urban dictionary

A place with funny definations but seem so serious they could be true.a website where you could define a word anyway you want like i defined urban dictionary.

person1=what are you doing?
person2=defining stuff on the internet
person1=what website.
person2=urban dictionary!

by Cornholiox5 July 1, 2009

1👍 2👎

Michael Jackson

One of the greatest intertaners of all time. truly the king of pop.without him there would be no pop culture.

person1= dude why you dancing?
person2=cuase it entertaines people.
person1= you are so michael jackson
person2- THANK YOU!!!!

by Cornholiox5 July 1, 2009

435👍 423👎