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A term used by people who think they are fighting "the man". What they are actually doing, is volunteering private medical information without any reason. In essence, they are people who have already surrendered, but think they are still "fighting".

I organized a rally for people fighting the implementation of a communist social credit score system. At the door, I was able to filter out the low intelligence people by picking out all who called themselves "Pureblood". Only the ones who told me"that is private medical information" are intelligent enough to be of any help is this fight.

by CyborgimusPrime November 14, 2021

25👍 97👎


The pervasive and all consuming fear, that someone, somewhere, may be doing something without your permission; and the obsessive compulsive desire to control all things that goes with it.

Our mayor is so progressive, he banned sodas larger than 3 millilitres.
A customer came in and asked to see the manager before they even ordered; Karens are so progressive!

by CyborgimusPrime May 30, 2020

72👍 15👎

lady globes

the testicles on a trans woman

I had a nice date with Lola, but it was a little surprising when I got lady globes across the nose during the after party back at my place.

by CyborgimusPrime December 11, 2022


A blogging medium for people who are in love with sound of their own voices.

I tried listening to a podcast the other day. It was 72 hours long, when the guy could have summarized everything he wanted to say in 5 minutes.

by CyborgimusPrime July 30, 2021

2👍 2👎