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rosa parks

A now deceased lady who helped the civil rights movement greatly when she refused to give up her seat to a white guy and was arrested. Also the title of a kick-ass Outkast song.

Rosa Parks was probably the bravest person ever to do that shit.

Ah ha, hush that fuss
Everybody move to the back of the bus
Do you wanna bump and slump with us
We the type of people make the club get crunk

by D-Miles August 6, 2006

139πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

play station 3

The true meaning of ripoff. People saved up $600, waited in line at the stores OVERNIGHT to get this shit, fighting and pushing and shoving and beatin' the crap out of each other...

...only to find out that the Play station 3s were recalled because some didn't work right.

by D-Miles November 19, 2006

36πŸ‘ 50πŸ‘Ž

Anabolic Steroids

Steroids. People (especially baseball players) take them because they are fat-asses and need muscle fast. See other definitions for more details.

During the ADAA random drug screening, one of your players tested positive for 3 separate types of anabolic steroids and a low grade...beaver tranquilizer.

by D-Miles September 30, 2006

79πŸ‘ 46πŸ‘Ž

the architect

An idiot in the Matrix who uses such complex words that you can't understand what the fuck he's saying.

The Architect: Ergo, concordantly, vis-a-vis. ...You know what? I don't even know what the fuck I'm saying. I just thought it would make me sound cool."

by D-Miles August 20, 2006

25πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

shaq free throw

Any time you miss a free throw, it is called a Shaq Free Throw. Not to be confused with the Ben Wallace free throw.

Shaq Free Throws will probably become obsolete sometime in 2007, when Shaq has perfected his shooting percentage. Oh well, there's always the Ben Wallace free throw.

by D-Miles August 20, 2006

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


Sure it sucks, but it's the only basketball you can watch during the summer after the NBA Finals are over.

Oh wait a minute...screw WNBA, I can always go get that DVD I recorded of the Heat blowing out the Mavericks and watch it over and over again 50 times!

by D-Miles August 20, 2006

271πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž

jimmy kimmel

Inventor of Unnecessary Censorship.

We all like Jimmy Kimmel because of it.

by D-Miles October 8, 2006

254πŸ‘ 1329πŸ‘Ž