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A Florida prison term to refer to young thuggish men with no respect, restraint or life experience. Often starting fights for no reason, robbing anyone they can, going to solitary confinement a lot, and just generally not giving a shit. it is actually short for jitterbug, which describes the way that jail or prison makes them, like a tightly wound bundle of nerves as they have no maturity or self control. This tension is usually vented in methods that get them more prison time. Often young gangs will write "jit shit" along with their names in jailhouse graffiti. This is like a pride thing, embracing what was an insult. It's always the jjts to cause problems or drama. They thrive on mindless bloodshed and violence. Actually they are the most feared inmate, as they are willing to do anything for no reason, are reckless and unpredictable

Damn the guards got us locked down again over some stupid jit shit

by Dang8701 January 28, 2016

24👍 20👎


Acronym for "mad random boner" -archaic, inf. Circa early 2000s

Greg would have been on time for his next class, but he got an MRB at the end Home econ, and had to stay seated for a few minutes to conceal it while it went down

by Dang8701 September 28, 2021

1👍 2👎


Noun, a building in the hood, often multiple story residence out of which hard drugs are trafficked, and prostitution is often solicited. Considered by some safer for using hard drugs than one's own home, a room or rooms are generally provided for those who wish to use the trap, and prostitutes who are sometimes housed there can also be hired for services in those rooms. Something like a ghetto retreat house. Often operated by gang members and gangs, and open around the clock. In many cases known to police. May have multiple workers, usually gang members or their brothers and cousins. They sleep in shifts so that one is always awake for business.

Example: Waddup lo mane, you comin through do tonite?

Ahhh I don't know mane, I got this ho on my lap and a nigga fucked up in the trap not sure im gonna make it!

Shit dawg whose trap u at?

Im at the blood one down on lincoln u know my dog abe the red dude workin it tonight

Damn, why you didnt call me nigga?

My bad, but hey, that chick cindy still aint ...otherwise engaged if you know what I mean, she in the next room , u know that light skinned one with the big ol booty

Ima hit you right back dog, gotta check first and see if my baby momma fina drop by.

one of my favorite things to do whenever I'm in the southside is to get fucked up in rashards trap. And while I'm at it, I usually get one of those ho's staying up in that bitch to suck me off. It will run me about 100 dollars for the coke and the bitch. Its a hell of a deal, but Rashards my dog so you know he fina treat a nigga right

by Dang8701 November 18, 2014

6👍 11👎


A sparkling beverage that country club pussies favor and no one else.

That kid Thom Rollins Jr.'s mom packed him a Fresca with lunch. What a little bitch! I'll probably flirt with his mom and try to bang her later when I caddy at the country club and she's there with her bimbo housewife friends

by Dang8701 May 21, 2022


1. Hard (n) ghetto slang for crack cocaine


2. Hard (adj). Gangster slang for Awesome, cool, amazing. Also "to go hard"

1.Ex: "Wayne does smoke hard sometimes when times get tough"

2.Ex " yo darion this beat you sent me is hard!as fuck(sup.)

Or " yo darion this beat go hard!as fuck(sup.)

by Dang8701 April 16, 2016

108👍 32👎