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A project to support PewDiePie in the war against T-Series by flying a banner above New York

...So will you see Project Starhammer of International PewDiePie Day?

by EasyLife123 April 30, 2019


The second biggest CPU manufacture, behind Intel

Me after seeing benchmarks of the AMD Ryzen 9 3900X: A 12 core CPU with more performance than an i9 at half the price? SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY

by EasyLife123 September 18, 2019



Mods are gay

by EasyLife123 April 17, 2019


A spin-off of Anti-Centrism which center around the concept of uniting ideologies outside of the Political Compass (For example: Egoism, INGSOC, Social Darwinism and Communalism) to destroy the concept of realism and radicalize everyone to become an off-compass follower. Their goal is to "Magnetize the Compass" and destroy the foundation of sensible political ideologies so that either a utopia or a dystopia (or both, that's the power of doublethink) can be created

Egoist: The compass is a spook
Ingsoc: The compass is doubleplusungood
Social Darwinist: The compass is genetically inferior
Communalist: The compass is a hoarder
All four of them: Let form Anti-Realism

by EasyLife123 June 5, 2020

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Neo-Conservatism, even though it isn't conservative. They claim to be for a small government, but they don't. They, representing the Republican, and Neo-Liberalism (or Neolib), representing the Democrats, are the globalist duo of modern American politics before the rise of Donald Trump, who was a Right-wing Populist
Fun fact: The father of Neo-Conservatism was a Trotskyist who turned to capitalism and liberal democracy when he realized that the Communist dream of a World Revolution is impossible

John: Do you know that Richard will vote Republican, even though he is a libertarian?
Steve, an actual libertarian: He is just a fucking Neocon

by EasyLife123 June 5, 2020

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

The King


PewDiePie is still the king of YouTube

by EasyLife123 January 7, 2019


1. The size of your dick
2. The transistor size of Intel CPU, from 2014 to infinity, and beyond

In 2040:
AMD: Introduce our new consumer grade quantum hybrid CPU
Intel: 14nm+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

by EasyLife123 November 22, 2019