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Viking Ship

Ships used by Scandinavian warriors (Vikings) and traders from the 5th to 12th centuries. They were long (up to 150 feet), and looked much like enormous canoes. They were powered by both oar and sail.
These ships allowed the Vikings to travel to places as far as Iran and Cape Cod. If it wasn't for the Longship, the Vikings would not have been able to become a feared prescence in Europe.

Some facts about Viking longships:

Under certain weather conditions, a Viking Ship can outsail a modern racing yacht!

A ship was considered a Viking chief's most prized posession. They were given names like "Steed of the waves" and "Long Serpent".

They were "Clinker Built", with overlapping strakes running from bow to stern. This allowed them to ride on the waves, instead of being crushed by the vicious North Sea waves.

Though they were very fast, Viking Ships stood very little chance in a naval battle (except against other Vikings.

Without the Viking Ship, there would be no Vikings.

by El_Haggis September 9, 2006

24πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

fox news

Faux news

The only two major difference between Fox and The Daily Show:

1. The daily show does not claim to be "fair and Balanced" like Fox does.

2. While John Stewart tells the truth with a major Liberal spin on it, people like Bill O'Reily (affectionately known as Mr. Falafel) tell outright lies.

No wonder the station is named after an animal commonly associated with sneakyness.

Fox News: The foul breath of the neocons

by El_Haggis September 10, 2006

422πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž


The Marxist symbol representing the factory workers, the sickle representing the farmers. Together they represent the uninted Proletariat.

This has now become corrupted by greedy tyrants such as Stalin and mao, to be a symbol of corrupt, totalitarian "Communist" dictatorships.

See Hammer and Sickle

by El_Haggis September 10, 2006

60πŸ‘ 69πŸ‘Ž

Ann coulter


Karl Rove's burlesque-show whore

Speaks poison to unwitting neoconservatives.

The floozy whose dispicability unites both Liberals and Moderate Conservatives. Thank you Miss Coulter.

Ann Coulter is the ugly face of the neoconservatives.

by El_Haggis September 9, 2006

473πŸ‘ 382πŸ‘Ž

paris hilton

Paris Hilton: TX: (PAIR-ass HEIL-tun)
1. A lazy rich bimbo/snob who thinks s(he) can do whatever s(he) wants because his/her Capitalist Pig daddy can pay for it. Aka The American Dream gone out of whack.

2. A bad word.

Paris Hilton: living proof that cash ain't everything.

Example 1. <The President's family is just full of Paris Hiltons.>

Example 2. <The Boston Strangler once murdered someone by stabbing her up the Paris Hilton.>

by El_Haggis September 10, 2006

92πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž

Edward I

Arguably the worst English king in history, famous for having his arse whooped in battles such as Sterling Bridge and Bannockburn.

Here is a list of some of the peoples he opressed and murdered:
The Welsh
The Jews
The Scots
The Clergy
The Nobles
The Peasants

King Edward I: a midieval version of Adolf Hitler.

by El_Haggis September 11, 2006

21πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


A branch of private schools commonly found in mainly the US and Germany, and were founded by the Austrian Anthrposophist philosopher Rudolf Steiner.

Although Waldorf Schools are legitimate schools, critics continue to claim that the school is a cult, and that students are indoctrinated with the ideals of Anthroposophy. Though these allegations are probably false, Waldorf Schools do use some methods which may appear outdated or silly.

But overall it's a pretty good school.

Waldorf: the only school that is also the name of a salad.

by El_Haggis September 10, 2006

139πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž