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When you don't know the lyrics of a song and you try to reproduce how it sounds more or less

Joe: Hey! Have you heard about this new song? It sounds like this: nana na na naaa....
Mary: Oh man! You're humming it so badly that I've no idea what was that.

by Eleniuss August 31, 2016

91👍 8👎


Short word for hitchhike, it means to get a free ride by waiting on one side of the road with your thumb up until someone stops.

Laura and I missed the last train, so we had to hitch a ride to come back home

by Eleniuss December 26, 2016

Great Beyond

The after-death place we are supposed to go. It's also a fantastic song by R.E.M., from the album 'Man on the moon'.

Do you think there will be a Great Beyond when we die?

by Eleniuss September 1, 2016

59👍 1👎