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rat tail

One of the few hair styles that is still truly individualist since so many guys have long hair, mohicans, shaved patterns, funny colours etc these days. I have one and NO it does not MAKE me a sodding redneck, German, 80s relic etc.

Your the only guy I've met with a hair do quite like that

by Geoooooooo March 24, 2005

50πŸ‘ 105πŸ‘Ž


A feeling of unhappiness that someone else appears better off than us.

A completely natural human emotion which we all experience and which is only villified because of the haves continued attempt to maintain their position over the have nots. Let me explain:

Back in History:
Haves want to keep what they got Have nots want it. More Have nots than Haves so Haves in danger of facing rebellion.
Solution? Use their power over people minds through their control of religion (its a fact that rulling classes control religion for their own ends- think how the mediaeval abbots managed to get so rich and divine rights of king etc.) to make it seem as though wanting what you haven't got is evil. Therefore Have Nots believe them and stop wanting therefore no rebellion therefore Haves get to keep wealth.
In The present:
Less people religious but this universal belief of religions deeply inbedded in human psyche so most people still think its wrong to show natural Jealousy.

Thou shalt not envy(or some other old word I can't remember) thy neighbours Ass or their Wife or House or something like that.

by Geoooooooo March 26, 2005

38πŸ‘ 70πŸ‘Ž


Northern English for informal "You"

"Tha "thas" them that "thas" thee, lad"

by Geoooooooo March 25, 2005

21πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Anyone who gets promoted to a rank above yours when they've only just arrived when you've been in the same job years and you can't see why there more suitable than you. Used when your feeling enbittered.

He's another bloody instant. An instant supervisor just add weeks.

by Geoooooooo March 28, 2005

13πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


any luxurious, fast, expensive, sometimes unidentified but most importantly unusual car.

A) Wow! what was that?
B) I don't know but it was certainly a snazzmobile

by Geoooooooo March 24, 2005

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


What dumb right wing fucks seem to think you can run a country without. Dishonist Governmants like to appease dumb rightwing fucks by saying they'll lower taxes and STILL bring good services. THIS IS AGAINST THE BASIC LAWS OF MATHS.

There are two places for money.
a)In rich people's wallets and
b)in poor people's wallets or the governmants money for services etc.

b) needs it a) doesn't
so where should it be? ITS NOT A HARD QUESTION!
but would you believe it some people are still stupid enough to answer b) and unfortunately they are in power.

And no, dumb rightwing fucks you shouldn't keep it because you "earnt it" because cleaners work just as hard as you for a millionth of the wage and the chances are that in your society especially your only in your position and cleaners in their's because of WHO MUMMY AND DADDY WAS!!!

SO stop being greedy and start accepting that tax is essential and the rich need to pay A LOT if we're ever going to have FAIRNESS.

Politician: Our Governmant will lower taxes AND increase spending
Three year old: Mummy, You know you said I couldn't have my cake and eat it? well mr Scary Politician thinks you can. Is he stupid mummy?

by Geoooooooo March 26, 2005

85πŸ‘ 102πŸ‘Ž

not hypocrisy

The things that ignorant right wing, mainly American republican twats like to use as their arguments against the left wing They accuse us of hypocrisy and here I explain how wrong they are.

1) Apparently we are hypocrital because we hold life sacred in that we oppose the death penalty but are also pro-abortion. They completely mis understand because I for one, DON'T hold life sacred but hold HAPPINESS sacred. look at it like that and we're not hypocritical.
How much unHAPPINESS can a unborn foetus suffer, even in the very unlikely chance that these extremely young foetus have emotions when they don't know their going to die and are killed quickly when COMPARED TO the CONTINUOUS suffering of an unwanted child an unwanting mother whos had her life destroyed OR the unHAPPINESS of an innocent person on death row or even a guilty person who made one mistake for whatever incomprehensable and hence unjudgeable reason (and can we really ever trust humans not to make mistakes enough to allow them power of life and death over someone?)

2) Apparently we are hypocritical because we oppose hatred and intollerance and yet hate and are intollerant of those who aren't left wing. Well, we oppose OFFENSIVE intollerance. Intollerance for no reason other than someones harmless religious devotion or sexual preference. That sort of intollerance is bullying on a national scale. And are you intollerant of a school yard bully's bullying if you stand up to him? Are you not allowing him to express himself through the way he injures and makes miserable that geek kid?

Right winger: You liberal scum are so hypocritical

Left Winger: Read above ^ and aren't you the people who think that people on income support and asylum seekers get more money than they deserve (even though its barely enough to live on) and yet don't seem to mind it that in your anti-tax the rich society kids can get more money they deserve (and this time ITS MASSES MORE THAN THEY NEED TO LIVE ON) just because their parents are rich?

Right winger: um.... errrrr.... I need to rethink.

by Geoooooooo March 26, 2005

13πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž