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Bozi txa

Bozi txa is an Armenian insult used when someone wants to start some kind of tema with you. Bozi (Bitch's) txa (boy) is very offensive to say to an Armenian, especially FOBS & Armos. If someone call you a bozi txa, its a lose lose situation. They either need to choxel and say sorry or you need to go to outback and lutsel the tema.

If you do nothing however, you will remain with the title of bozi txa. No armenian women will want anything to do with you (which is not good) and everyone will in fact know that you are a bitch's boy or a son of a whore.

Davo: Ara du bozi txa es?
You: Lav ches ara? Henc hima gnumenk zukaran kurajit elenk axper.

by HaykakanQfrtots May 25, 2023

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Outback refers to the ghetto ass alley on the other side of in-n-out in Glendale, California. This is where all the FOBs and Armos go to pakel temas. However for most normal individuals or skinny ass highschoolers, this is where you go for boba and/or cheap ass toys from Five Below.

If a nigga asks you to come to outback, its on. If someone insults you are a family member, you are going to outback. If someone is talking shit, you go to outback. If someone cusses out a girl, you go to outback. You get the idea.

Vat txa: Fuck your mother bitch
You: Henc hima gnumes outback jham@ 5in bozi txa.

by HaykakanQfrtots May 25, 2023

1👍 1👎


Xer or xerus is a popular Turkish & Azerbaijani indigenous cuisine. It is identical to klir, except in popular Turkish and Azerbaijani culture foreigners are asked to prepare this meal for them. While unpopular in other cultures, Turkish and Azeri natives will ask their neighbours for their Xer. It's a loved meal in Turkey (Hndkahavastan) and Azerbaijan (Azgttaxemistan) however in other countries it is rather unappealing.

Normal Individual: "Would you like to eat my xer?"
Azergyotjani/Turkish Individual: "Absolutely, put it right into my mouth!"

by HaykakanQfrtots May 24, 2023

Vat txa

A vat txa is an individual who got on his knees, lost a fight or did not fight back, someone who cusses out a girl or cusses out someones family without good reason, someone who allowed himself to get cussed out or allowed others to insult their family.

If someone calls you a vat txa, they are either saying it as an insult or you actually are one. If they are using it as an insult, then you need to get that shit sorted.

Hovo: Look at Vahe, that faggot jerked off in front of a 12 year old what a vat txa.
You: Ha axpe et txen boz a

by HaykakanQfrtots May 30, 2023


Armenian word for problem or fight (Depending on context.) If your homie says there is a tema in the bathroom, it most likely means there is a confrontation or a straight up fight happening. If a tema is happening at outback most likely means there is going to be a massive fight or confrontation between 2 groups.

For example if someone cusses you or your family members out, then there is aftomatically a tema. You go "lutsel the tema" at outback or the bathroom or any other discreet locations. This sort of confrontation usually ends with one party getting on their knees and saying sorry or complete pandemonium ensues. This is, of course, depending on the severity of the tema and who is involved.

Vat txa: Axper du tema unes hets?
You: Ha axper henc hima gnumes outback

by HaykakanQfrtots May 25, 2023