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Janasia’s are not found in many places. But if you do somehow find one, never let her go. She can be the most amazing person in all of the world. They are humble and mature. They are very intelligent and creative, and like to show it. They may be depressed at times, but they should always have the friends to stick up for them. If u find one of these amazing women in the world, stay with them for as long as you can. Even be able to contact them! They are always amazing everyday they can be

‘Omg! Janasia just rocked her test today! One of the top marks!’

by HuskyPup01 January 29, 2019

21👍 1👎


The funniest girl you will ever meet! She is the one person that you want to hang around with. She can be annoying at times, but deep down you still love her. She is intelligent, creative, kind and outgoing. She loves hanging out with her friends. She loves to be adventurous. If you are able to find this amazing woman, don’t let her leave your life, cause it will forever be changed.

‘Did you just see Marielle go on that crazy ride?! She is insane!’

by HuskyPup01 January 29, 2019

71👍 5👎