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A girl that is very attractive and has the perfect body shape ! Big butt big boobs a beautiful face! She's caring, athletic, funny, sweet, smart , etc . She's shy at first then becomes outgoing .She plays hard to get! She helps people out a lot and is sensitive. She's faithful trustworthy respectful etc in a relationship ! I wouldn't let her go cause she's a KEEPER ! She loves to play fight and she doesn't like saying no . She's strong and doesn't put up with anybody's bullshit ! She doesn't fear people at all. Everyone loves Janasia and loves to be around her . Janasia loves everybody to


by Instaanon October 18, 2013

162👍 10👎


Janasia’s are not found in many places. But if you do somehow find one, never let her go. She can be the most amazing person in all of the world. They are humble and mature. They are very intelligent and creative, and like to show it. They may be depressed at times, but they should always have the friends to stick up for them. If u find one of these amazing women in the world, stay with them for as long as you can. Even be able to contact them! They are always amazing everyday they can be

‘Omg! Janasia just rocked her test today! One of the top marks!’

by HuskyPup01 January 29, 2019

21👍 1👎


Best Bitch around. She always had your back and her name is better then Akeem and Kweisi. PERIODT.

Janasia is a fucking UNIQUE BITCH

by NASIA LYNN October 21, 2020


Janasia can be the best friend in the world she loves a lot of people but do not piss her off yeah she is nice and sometimes she will get mad if you lie straight in her face and she doesn’t get mad over stupid or dumb things she is kind likes to share but certain thing she don’t like she doesn’t be like well I don’t share this and if she has a contes who gets what and one person got she is so nice she will give every one one who want one even if you do something to her she still will like you she takes up for people even if your a boy or girl she is the one who made the class do goood things and we get to go out side tomorrow for the good behavior all this week we all love janasia you can’t live without her

Janasia yeah she told me to stop hanging with them because they get me in trouble so now I’m not in trouble because of janasia positive words”.

by Thetrapper.kk aka Kori March 29, 2019

11👍 3👎


A cute black girl a big butt don't care what some one say about her like scocorr and you shouldn't let her go she is very rare and she could fight so don't play with her

look a janasia she is a rare one i am not going to let her go

by Janasia is rare December 27, 2021


A very sweet girl who is shy and sensitive at first. She's caring and tries her best to make people happy when they are down. She's trust worthy in relationships and is the jealous type. She loves to play around with others and have fun. Sometimes she like to fight, and she grows feelings for others fast. She's beautiful, smart, intelligent, sweet,etc. You could trust her with any thing.

Boy 1- Janasia She's beautiful
Boy 2- i call her
Boy 3- nooooo

by jalill January 3, 2013

155👍 23👎

Janasia stevens

She’s always hungry and she will be disrespectful when she is disrespected but she is caring beautiful and faithful and that all I have

Janasia stevens is hungry

by JaNasia stevens April 18, 2019