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an add on the side of a web page that is very skanky. Often portraying slutty girls that are not pretty

EEEEEEEEEw, whenever I look at those ho-adds I just want to barf

by Iharne K.G Ramms August 4, 2009


a doctor that is very skilled in medicine and sex

Doctor Tanner is a world wide hero for his cure for cancer and a cocktor as well

by Iharne K.G Ramms June 18, 2009

68👍 25👎


When two people with braces are kissing and their braces become stuck together

Often very embarrassing and difficult to get out of this situation

Man, did you see those dweebs Connie and Mattio last night at prom. THey were braced!

by Iharne K.G Ramms June 24, 2009

23👍 10👎