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ninjas cutting onions

A slang term for crying while observing something tearjerking, such as a sad film scene. This refers to both a ninja's alleged stealth abilities, and the irritation of the eyes by the fluids in an onion.

I was watching The Notebook yesterday. Damn ninjas cutting onions the whole time..

by Intelligence001 December 17, 2016

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punch of kill everything

A fist punch that, as the name might suggests, kills everything. It hasn't actually killed anything though. Originates in Transformers, where it is Lugnut's signature move. He sucks at it.

The only use the Punch of Kill Everything has is making a swimming pool

by Intelligence001 August 7, 2019


The leading cause of house fires.

There was a spider, I panicked. I think it's gone now.

by Intelligence001 July 5, 2016

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

lost his marbles

Having gone totally nuts. Or, turned irrevocably stupid.

Yeah, Simmons thought there were frog people in his closet pilfering all his socks. I'm telling you, he's lost his marbles!

by Intelligence001 February 12, 2021

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1: A large building that houses a contraption with a large set of sails that are spun around by wind, either to move a grindstone for processing grain, or a turbine to generate electricity.

2: A threat that doesn't exist. Derived from Don Quixote, who attacked a windmill with a lance thinking it was a giant.

"I would your worship take notice," replied Sancho, "that those you see yonder are no giants, but windmills; and what seem arms to you, are sails; which being turned with the wind, make the millstone work."

by Intelligence001 January 12, 2023

Jumper cables

A set of clamps connected by insulated wires used to transfer electricity between vehicles. Also useful as a child disciplinary tool.

So, I was making myself a smoothie when I spilled it on the floor. My dad flipped and beat the shit out of me with a set of jumper cables.

by Intelligence001 May 24, 2020

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An alcoholic beverage that is, for all points and purposes, gone.

...But why is the rum gone?

by Intelligence001 November 13, 2016