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Bitch Session

A Bitch Session is where a bunch of friends gather and bitch about all the crap that should be elminated from the face of the Earth, i.e., Stupid people, events that sucked, wastes of time, etc. ad infinitum.

Whenever my friends and I get a break from rehearsal, we go into the back room and have a Bitch Session about all the shit that shouldn't go on during rehearsal, like the time available to have a Bitch Session.

by Joe Sabs March 5, 2007

13πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


Short for Profile Picture. Common slang on myspace, facebook, and other sites that have a main picture option.

Joe: Dude, your propic is the same as my propic!
Amanda: hahah I was just thinking of changing my propic...
Joe: Cool... Different propics make it easier to find people.

by Joe Sabs June 11, 2007

32πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

sitting orgasm

When a small object, action, or any otherwise normally unintimate thing causes an immediate, usually shocking response.

Ash showed Lauren a pic of her bf, and she had a sitting orgasm as soon as she saw him.

She walked by as he looked up from his studying, and immediately had a sitting orgasm.

by Joe Sabs February 26, 2007

11πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Seven Eleven

1. A popular convenience store chain that is usually open 24/7. An awesome place.

2. A woman who has her legs open 24/7 (i.e., she's a slut).

3. Used to sometimes make fun of cops, who use numbers to relate different situations.

1. Let's all meet up at Seven Eleven to get some food.

2. Dude, don't try to date her, she's a Seven Eleven.

3. "Ah, yes, recon, this is Officer Krupke, we have a Seven Eleven at Dunkin' Donuts, proceeding to confiscate their powdered bear claws, over."

by Joe Sabs February 2, 2007

111πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž


WithOut A Doubt. Often used as an agreement to twss.

Mike: "Dude, it's so long, and hard too..."
Brandon: "TWSS!!"

by Joe Sabs April 26, 2007

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Mangy-Ass Bastard. This utterance is used when one comes across a person who is mangy, ass, and a bastard. It's shortened to MAB to keep those out of the loop... well, out of the loop.

Nick: How could you associate with that Mangy-Ass Bastard?
Tina: I don't know, cause I'm a retart?
Joe: Tina, you're not a retart for knowing a MAB. Everyone knows a couple.

by Joe Sabs March 17, 2007

10πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž


A nice way to say that you're doing many different things at the same time. And since no one can divide by 0, that means you're doing many different things half-assed.

Joe thought that he would multitask by doing his physics homework during his math class. His multitasking, however, got him a detention and a failed homework grade instead.

by Joe Sabs February 12, 2007

151πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž