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funeral for a friend

A band for girls who want to pretend they are some kind of rock chick.
Reknowned for looking like dorks, I am ashamed to live in the country next to theirs.
Welsh people across the nation have been crying themselves to sleep at night for one of the following reasons:
1)They are ashamed that this band are from their nation
2)They like this band and are emo-kiddies whose lifes are so hard and unbearable.

"Hey my life is so hard so I went and bought this FFAF CD."
"Whys your life hard?"
"I have an ex-girlfriend."
"Oh jee that is a shame man... hey but at least you can create an emo band now."

by Jonny January 5, 2005

38πŸ‘ 116πŸ‘Ž


A hot and incredibly cool chick.

Eliza Dushku

by Jonny July 30, 2003

113πŸ‘ 54πŸ‘Ž


Someone who was generally bullied throughout his life and probably has never gotten pussy. The bulkus is a creature of large fatty-tissued dimensions. However, inspite of this fact he has managed to gain a lot of muscular size. Although generally the bulkus would not survive in teh world of bodybuilding due to the requirements of low bodyfat.

The bulkus glanced at a picture of a lean bodybuilder and laughed to himself "HAH! Look at that skinny kid!" and continued to eat his happy meal

by Jonny February 17, 2004


(adj.)state of being both confuzzled and frusterated.

This test is confusterating me!

by Jonny December 3, 2002

5πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


when a jewish old lady is mad at you and thinks you look weird she calls you that.

"Oy, what do you think i am a mashoogina"

by Jonny October 3, 2004

13πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


An inhabitant of Manchester, a city with a particularly high crime rate due to scousers having stolen everything in their own shithole, (see Liverpool).

Not to be confused with followers of Manchester city, who are known as "bitters", (see Stockport).

Scouser: You're crime rat'es higher than ours you Manc twat
Manc: That's because you go elsewhere on the rob you granny-stabbing doleite

by Jonny December 23, 2003

135πŸ‘ 210πŸ‘Ž


She's a very funky girl,
The kind you don't take home to mamma.
Because it's more than likely that she will call your mother "ooooooolllllddd"
and continue to say the word "ooooooolllllllllddddddddd" like 5 of 6 times.

Hey yo, hip cat.. I'm lau the love parade.... and i've never seen so many wrinkles!! man you're OOOLLLDDDDD.. you're OOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD... YOU'RE OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLDDDDDDDD... OLD OLD OOOLLLLLDDDDD!!!!!!!!

by Jonny January 26, 2004

1πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž