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someone who doesn't take proper care of themselves

ryan has married that skank tasha

by Kagome_1274 July 28, 2006

3👍 10👎

blow job

simply to suck a man's penis until he squirts

oj loves giving a good blow job every now and then

by Kagome_1274 July 28, 2006

132👍 1494👎

small penis

A male whose pubic hairs are longer than his penis

Dru's penis is under one inch so you could say that he has a very small penis or that he needs to trim his pubs

by Kagome_1274 July 28, 2006

389👍 377👎


someone who toys with anothers emotions just to recive what they desire from that person

turned out cody was just a user

by Kagome_1274 July 28, 2006

350👍 89👎


someone whom becomes depentant upon cocaine without any remorse for the people who really care for them

i really cared for cody at one time but now all he is about is coke now i can say that he is a total cokehead

by Kagome_1274 July 28, 2006

68👍 50👎